Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)

 ILST are individually designed to improve or maintain the ability of individuals with brain injuries to live as independently as possible in the community. ILST assists in recovering skills that have decreased because of onset of disability.  ILST is primarily targeted to those individuals with progressive illnesses to maintain essential skills. ILST may be provided in the participant's home or in the community. The ILST assists the participant Skills Training (ILST) helps individuals learn strategies to adapt to challenges from TBI by devising routines and modifications to improve daily functioning. Individuals set their goals to enhance satisfaction with their lives.  ILST is an instructional position and does not provide direct care to individuals (i.e., grooming, feeding, etc.,).

Roles and Responsibilities of "ILST" 

Independent Living Skills Trainers provide necessary instruction to adults with brain injuries with maintaining their independence and safety in the community of their choice.  The role of the ILST the individuals they support to be in control of their lives and to live as independently as possible in the community.

Independent Living Skills and Training (ILST) services include assessment, training, and supervision to individual with issues related to self-care, medication management, task completion, communication skills, interpersonal skills, socialization, sensory/motor skills, mobility, community transportation skills, reduction/elimination of maladaptive behaviors, problem solving skills, money management, pre-vocational skills, and skills to maintain a household. 

 ILST is provided in the environment and situation that results in the greatest positive outcome for the participant and in an environment where the trained skills are most used.  It is expected that this service will be provided in the waiver participant's environment; for example, in the participant's kitchen as opposed to a provider's kitchen.  This expectation is based on the difficulty many participants experience with transferring or generalizing knowledge and skills from one situation to another. However, it is recognized that there is need for some practice of skills before using them in the wavier participant's environment.

 This service is also used to assist a participant in returning to employment or expanding his/her involvement in meaningful activities such as volunteering. 




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